

Meditation Masterclasses

  • The ten stages of the journey of the soul- 1-5

    The ten stages of the journey of the soul- 1-5

    Originally performed on: 30th. May, 2020

    Topic: The ten stages of the journey of the soul

    In Class 06, we took a metaphorical, mystical journey through the Ten Stages of the Soul, including core principles arising from the Parable of the Light of the Creator. We explored a deeper understanding of this parable and also recognized its presence in all the Ten Stages.

    Below is a summary of the metaphors and symbolism associated with each one of the Ten Stages. Stage 6-10 are in Masterclass 07.

    Stage 1: The Marketplace… our current material world, with thousands of events and chaos.

    Stage 2: The Dripping Tap… narrowing down of our focus to one single event; water being the essence of life.

    Stage 3: The Grandfather Clock… a transition from the “seen” to the “unseen”; with resolution and dissolution of the Past.

    Stage 4: Children in the Playground… post dissolution of the Past, there are no memories left. Just pure innocence of the soul, like that of a child. This stage prepares us for higher ascension.

    Stage 5: The Waterfall… a stage of abundance of purity and essence of life; reached through giving and selfless service, amongst other positive attributes.


  • The ten stages of the journey of the soul- 6-10

    The ten stages of the journey of the soul- 6-10

    Originally performed on: 6th. June, 2020

    Topic: The ten stages of the journey of the soul

    In class 07, we continue the metaphorical, mystical journey (from Masterclass 6) through the Ten Stages of the Soul, including core principles arising from the Parable of the Light of the Creator. We explored a deeper understanding of this parable and also recognized its presence in all the Ten Stages.

    Below is a summary of the metaphors and symbolism associated with each one of the Ten Stages. The first 5 are in session 06.

    Stage 6: The Monks in the Temple… this is the first time we hear our Inner Voice because we have now let go of the ego – whose voice dominated our minds thus far. The temple is symbolized by our body and the chanting of the monks represent our Inner Voice, reciting the Linkage word

    Stage 7: The Level of Paradise… symbolized by the Ocean coming to the shore at the beach, with wind blowing through palm leaves, amidst a setting of pure peace, tranquility and light. Most of us find this place so enchanting and restful that we do not wish to venture further. However, while we can “see” the essence before us (Ocean), we cannot become One with it. We need to rise further to next three stages to reach this goal.

    Stage 8: The Orchestra… that plays the music of total harmony, amidst a setting of zero conflict. This is the most challenging stage that only a few have managed to cross, because conflict is inherent in each one of us. However, through the use of Anchor Thoughts (learned in Class 02) and learning techniques to identify and overcome our inner conflicts (the main subject of the next Masterclass Series), combined with Linkage and pure focus, we can transcend this stage.

    Stage 9: The Ocean… After crossing the barriers of inner conflict and achieving complete Spiritual and Material Harmony (the subject of Class 09), we are one with the Ocean – a stage of dissolution into Totality. We no longer have a physical form. We are Totality.

    Stage 10: The Dolphins in the Ocean… now that we have become the ocean, we hear the voice of Totality, chanting our Linkage Word through the monks of the Ocean – the Dolphins. In Stage 6, we had a body (Temple) and heard its monks at a material level. Now we are Totality, with no body – gaining one of the most powerful experiences of our spiritual journey – hearing our Linkage word recited within the whole Ocean.

    The Final Ascent up the 66 Steps…we are now permitted to climb the 66 steps to the Door of Light, behind which lies the Essence itself, the Source of our Creation. Once we are granted permission to enter, we become one with our Source…this is our final accomplishment. We are now Life itself. No vocabulary in our three-dimensional world can ever describe this level – it can only be experienced by those who dedicate themselves to the pursuit of this exalted goal. We can put in our best efforts, but success is never assured, for that rests in the hands of our Creator…


  • The ten stages of the journey of the soul- Ascending

    The ten stages of the journey of the soul- Ascending

    Originally performed on: 13th. June, 2020

    Topic: How to relinquish control by the mind in meditation

    Meditation is a passive process where one must relinquish all control and let the Higher Self guide the meditation and spiritual journey. Interference of the mind in this respect can cause loss of focus, frustration and slower advancement.

    How does one relinquish control by the mind? Dr. Dahya will offer in depth explanations of the steps that we can consider to help facilitate a complete shift in our mindset to foster spiritual growth and fulfilment at a material level.



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The cost of disbursements associated with hosting the free Masterclasses and producing professional audio/video materials is covered by Dr. Amyn Dahya & family, and supporters who contribute towards this free gift of sharing…Please feel free to join us if you wish.