Wellness is a holistic word that embodies many different dimensions that come together to foster a healthy body and mind, with an enlightened soul.
Physical health is a broad subject with a range of useful resources that can be accessed on-line, as well as, from coaches, trainers, nutritionists, medical professionals and others. However, we consider mental and spiritual state of being to be fundamental for maintenance and restoration of physical health. We view the body, mind and spirit as being integrally connected as a single unit, calling for a holistic approach to living.

"Think about what you think..."
Life is simply a combination of moments and thought… nothing more, nothing less. When we leave this world, we only live behind thought, in the form of memories. Everything else is temporary perishable. Therefore, we are all defined by the quality of our thoughts, as are our life experiences and legacies.
We are gifted with the power of thought, that can shape our lives and the lives of others. Thought has life and when we think, we emit seeds of thought that germinate in people and places near and far, creating events and experiences. We learn and gain knowledge from these experiences, which shape our relationships, beliefs, attitudes and state of being. Therefore, it is a good idea to consciously monitor our thoughts and correct ourselves when we steer away from the course we seek... “Think about what you think...”.
Today, our world is littered with fear and negativity, prioritizing economics over everything else, including the environment, which has undeniably always succeeded the human being. This, and a myriad of other factors, has created a polarized and negative mass consciousness, whose impact is evident in the physical, mental and spiritual state of humanity. Conversely, the beauty of power of thought is that it can also be used to reverse this negative state and enable us all to harbour a positive mass consciousness, with endless positive outcomes. Click here to learn more.
Like physical nutrition, mental and spiritual nourishment are also essential for good health and wellbeing. Some of the key outcomes of this process include a state of being that is underlined by:

We are also impacted by the thoughts of others, and this is where maintaining a healthy state of our consciousness can make all the difference to our wellbeing. We have produced books, lectures, podcast and videos that help nourish the mind and soul, which are shared in the Anchoring Happiness Resource Library.

Towards Zero Conflict
A mind free of conflict exemplifies wellbeing at its best…
Each one of us harbours inner conflicts that are sometimes hidden deep within our mindset, and if challenged, would cause us to instinctively deny their presence. What if we could sit back in the privacy of our own minds, explore deep within, and seek out these subtle but potent weak spots; and then bid them farewell through short meditative steps?
Towards Zero Conflict was written for that very purpose, offering short stories and insights that invoke familiar emotions as we resonate with our subtle conflictive traits, buried deeply within our psyche. Each story is accompanied by a short meditative process, called ‘seeds of resolution’, that foster an inner cleansing process, as we begin to become consciously aware of the positive changes in our outlooks and attitudes…

Listen to a 5 min. sample of the audio book:
Exploring Limitless Horizons
We recommend listening to Exploring Limitless Horizons, which explores the purpose of our lives through ten key horizons... Great food for the soul…
Through a conversation between the Origin (the Creator) and Maya, the unborn soul, this talk answers frequently asked questions, “Why are we here?
What is the purpose of our existence?”
Dr.Amyn Dahya discusses practical methods to identify, understand and transcend Ten Horizons, to achieve success, abundance and freedom in all aspects of life.

Be and It Is, vol 1
If you only have a minute to spare each day, Be & It Is offers short inspirations that can help open the mind to new motivation and creativity…
Inner Voice
Always listen to your Inner Voice
If a relationship or transaction
Does not feel right
Do not do it
Listen to yourself, always…

Be and It Is, vol 2
Self Esteem
The roof of a house
Resides in the sky
Bringing shelter from the rain
And shade from the sun
The self esteem of a being
Is like a roof
That loses its gifts
When lowered to the ground
Respect the self esteem of everyone, young and old.

¡Sea! y así Será
No existe la soledad
Porque cuando estás contigo
Estás con todo