How to Access the Third Eye (Equilibrium 01)
Originally performed on: 10, October 2020
Creating & Fostering Equilibrium
Saturday, October 10, 2020: 5 p.m. London UK time
Vision through the Third Eye is one of the highest levels one can seek to attain in meditation. Through a deeper introspection of the scriptures, especially the Parable of Light, Dr. Dahya explored the mystical dimensions of the Third Eye and how the powers of spiritual equilibrium can be harnessed to engage with this exalted state of our being.
This webinar offers a fascinating journey into one of the deepest facets of meditation.
Below is the story Dr. Dahya referred to:
The Parable of Ebrahim and Sarah
In the middle of a dense forest lived two children by the name of Ebrahim and Sarah. They had no parents, but indeed, they were not orphans! They lived among the shelter of the trees and ate the foods that were provided to them by the forest.
In spite of the fact that they had no human parents, they were sustained in every way by the love and purity of the trees, flowers and all the creatures in the forest. Each time they craved food there was fruit available that would satisfy them. Each time they were unwell a healing herb was available. Each time they were thirsty, water of the pure, crystal-clear river would quench their thirst. All that they needed to learn was taught to them through the ways of the trees, flowers, rivers and creatures of the forest.
In the night they learned about that which could not be seen, and in the day they learned about that which could be seen. At the exact line that divides day from night, which is at dawn and at dusk, they learned about that which could not be seen either in the day or in the night. This was the time for them to see “themselves”, to reflect and gain Knowledge of everything.
Thus Ebrahim and Sarah remained innocent. Their minds were “open” to pure Knowledge. Their hearts were “open” to pure Love. They gave as freely as they took, for they were surrounded with abundance. Their existence was pure. They were never lonely because they were a pair; they had each other and they had their own individual selves. Such is the way that life was for Ebrahim and Sarah.
One morning as they walked in the forest they came to a group of seven very old, tall trees, whose roots grew under and above the ground. The trees grew in a circle and their roots twined into one another. Ebrahim and Sarah stopped and looked at them in awe. How beautiful they were! The trees had an aura that bore a deep sense of wisdom. As the children looked up, they could see that the seven trees touched the skies! They were of unending height!
Ebrahim and Sarah stepped closer to the centre of the circle. In the very middle gushed a fountain of clear, pure water. The fountain had a stem in its centre and the water fell from the top of this stem in the form of a perfect circle. It was like looking at a perfect crystal mushroom. Curious as they were, the children sought to take a drink from this fountain. They were surprised to find that the fountain was not really water. It did not even wet their hands! They looked at the bottom of the fountain stem and it seemed like this magical water was coming from an opening deep, deep within the earth. The opening went as far under the ground as the seven trees rose toward the sky. Sarah, disappointed that she could not get a drink from this fountain, said to Ebrahim, “This water is strange but unkind. I am thirsty and it did not give me what I wanted.”
Ebrahim replied, “Sarah, this is not water! Whatever this fountain is, it is very special. It has roots that go deep into the earth and it is protected by trees that touch the sky! I have never seen anything like this before!”
Ebrahim and Sarah heard the Voice of Inspiration speak to them from within the fountain. This was the Voice that taught them about the “Unseen” at dusk and dawn each day. The Voice said to them, “Children, you have found the Eternal Pool. This Pool has no beginning and no end. It is of the forest and it is not of the forest. It is of this world and it is not of this world. Whilst it looks like water, it is not water. But see! Look carefully—it Flows! It Flows Continuously. It is the Eternal Pool. From this Pool, you can draw all that you need, anything and everything! You cannot touch or feel this Pool but it can provide you with Everything. It even Flows within you at all times, but you are not aware of it. Remember though, it must always Flow. It can never become stagnant. Those that are part of its Flow will receive more and more. Those that try to stop its Flow will lose everything. They will be left with nothing. This, Ebrahim and Sarah, is the Law of the Eternal Pool. You are being shown this Pool for you are now ready to receive your offspring. You will have children that are little forms of you. They will grow up and have children of their own. Thus there will be many, many, many of you! There will be so many of you that the forest will have to keep stretching itself each day to look after you. But remember that you and your children will receive all your needs from this Pool. As you receive you must give, for this Pool must always Flow; its cycle must always be complete. If you stop giving, then you will be stopping its Flow and that would cut you out from everything.”
Ebrahim and Sarah asked, “But how could one ever stop giving? That is just not the way of the forest.”
The Voice replied, “Indeed, you cannot imagine what it is like not to give, because you have been nurtured by a Balance in the forest. You have been nurtured by Nature. Giving is an essence of Nature. Yet, as you have children, they may cause the forest to change, which may cause the Balance to break. When this happens, everything will change. But remember, Ebrahim and Sarah, inscribe in the hearts of your children the Law of the Eternal Pool. Inscribe in their hearts that everything must Flow through them at all times. Inscribe in their hearts that each time they give, no matter how little or how much, they are keeping the Flow of the Eternal Pool going. Inscribe in their hearts that no matter how much they receive from the Eternal Pool, they must always give part of it back. In this way the cycle will always be complete. If they were to receive ten fruits, they should give back at least one fruit, for the Flow must always prevail.”
Ebrahim and Sarah asked together, “How can our children give back to the Pool?”
The Voice replied, “By giving to each other, by helping those in need, by caring for the Earth and all its creatures, by caring for the sky and all its creatures, by caring for the water and all its creatures. Remember, the Eternal Pool flows through all Creation. They may draw from it all they need, for it is limitless. But they must obey the Law of Flow. Teach them that they must give back at least one fruit from every ten fruits they receive. Those that do not do this will fall by the wayside, for their Balance will be broken. The Pool will give you all wealth, love, happiness, skills and everything else that you need. Remember that it is Eternal and it is Limitless. Look at these seven trees. They take and they give! Look at them—do they not touch the sky? Well, Ebrahim and Sarah, so can you!”
The two beautiful children had learned much from the Eternal Pool. As they walked away, they thought about the seven tall trees. They thought about their tightly intertwined roots, which were both Seen and Unseen. Their stems, which could be Seen so clearly, touched the sky. There were so many symbols that were embodied in these seven trees. Ebrahim and Sarah reflected upon the Eternal Pool. They now understood how nature provided for all their needs. They had been a part of the Flow of this Pool each and every day of their lives. Now they were to have their offspring. This was to be a new experience. For the first time ever, they were faced with the prospect of thinking about the Future. . . .
copyright Amyn Dahya